What's all this, then?
It's a puzzle hunt
on JoCo Cruise 5!
What's a "puzzle hunt?"
An event in which you solve a set of unique puzzles, building
to a final "meta-puzzle." (Teams are encouraged. We believe
puzzle-solving is best enjoyed with friends!)
Events very similar to this one happened on
JCCC3, and
Do we win anything?
We hope you'll play #5isALIVE for fun! And maybe bragging rights.
Every PUZZLE HUNTER will earn a wearable button and stickers as she solves more
puzzles. You may not meet all your fellow Puzzle Hunters during the hunt,
so come to our wrap-up event on Saturday (time and place TBD) to share
your stories!
So what do these puzzles look like?
Our original brainteasers can take many forms! Some may look familiar,
like a crossword or sudoku, but each #5isALIVE puzzle will require
creative thinking to find its hidden message.
Try our 2013 sample puzzle!
I'm in! How do I play?
Visit the #5isALIVE station in the GAME ROOM (Conference Center: deck 2,
forward) to pick up puzzles. We're releasing new puzzles every day from
Sunday (January 31st) through Friday (February 6th), inclusive. To confirm
your answers, talk to anyone wearing a green-and-gold GAME CONTROL
button—we'll give you a new sticker for each solve!
What if I want help solving a puzzle?
Just ask! Hints are always available, and we'll do our best to make sure
you have fun during the hunt.
Still have questions? E-mail jccquest@snout.org. We're here to help!